Thursday, 2 February 2012

Drawing with Clay

Near the end of last term, we had another experimental drawing session with Claire. This time instead of just simple blind drawing, we used clay as our material. This proved to be interesting.

I decided to use porcelain casting slip as my choice. Here are some photographs of my drawings...

These were blind drawings done using porcelain casting slip on various papers. We then had to draw our own faces, blind, and only using touch to see. Complicated no?

The marks created by this method of drawing were very interesting. However the slip, once dried, did not stick to the coloured wrapping paper I had used and began to flake off. I like the faint marks it left behind (as seen in the photo above). The overall composition of these was insteresting too, considering that we couldn't see either the subject (our faces) or the paper we were 'drawing' on.

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